Between 1600 and 1700, when visiting the Palace of Versailles in Paris, you can note that, despite its magnificence, the palace had no bathrooms. In the Middle Ages there were no toothbrushes, deodorants, perfumes and much less toilet paper. Human excrements were thrown directly out the windows of the building. During the holidays, Versailles kitchens […]
The image depicts a flowchart explaining the Grandfather Paradox, a theoretical paradox of time travel. Here’s a summary of the sequence: I’m born – The starting point where the individual exists. I create a time machine – The individual invents or gains access to time travel technology. I go into the past – The individual […]
On a planet called Earth, over 7 billion people were bustling about their daily lives. Each year, tens of millions were born, and tens of millions died, leaving traces of their existence in the air, water, soil, and even space. Yet, these signs would not last forever. In a few hundred years, our buildings would […]
There’s a lighthouse in Iceland that sits on the highest of three rocks six miles off the Icelandic coastline, built in 1939 on top of an extremely steep and dangerous rocky cliff. The construction of the Thridrangar Lighthouse in Iceland, completed in 1939, was an extraordinary feat due to its precarious location atop a towering […]
The “Titanic Cat” who foresaw the sinking and retrieved her babies before the ship sailed. . Jenny the cat was the Titanic’s mascot, brought on board to help fight rodents. She lived in the ship’s galley and was cared for by a laborer named Jim Mulholland. During the sea trials, Jenny gave birth to kittens […]
Many folks seem to forget, or just surprisingly never knew that one of greatest enemies is right next door… For those who think Russia is all the way on the other side of the world… It’s approximately 55 miles from us at the Bering Strait’s narrow point. However, in the body of water between Alaska […]