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Many are about to stand before Jesus, and will hear something they didn’t expect. This video is an urgent warning to be ready for that approaching moment. This isn’t about “works”…but a call to recognize the mark of true followers of Christ. As Jesus said, those who hear “depart from me” for practicing sin “never […]
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Garage sales and selling things around the house on eBay, Amazon, and Craigslist are a great way to make some money! Although you can make great money flipping items from yard sales (usually $200-500 profit), you’ll soon realize that you needed to find more material to sell. How Storage Unit Auctions Work When storage locker renters […]
If you expect your partner to meet some crazy high standards, you’re pushing them away. If you’re observing their every little move and criticizing it, that’s a problem. If you’re making your partner feel criticized and inadequate, the relationship won’t last. So you met a man and everything was going great between the two of […]
Are you looking to build credit and work on your score for free? With Self, you can turn your rent payments into credit with all 3 credit bureaus — 100% free. How does payment history affect my credit score? 5 factors*** shape every credit profile, according to FICO®. Payment history (35%) Amounts owed […]
There is no such thing as a born entrepreneur. It’s actually context and a few other things that turn ordinary people into entrepreneurs. And once you get to fully understand them, your mindset changes. So let me dig into the things that turn ordinary people into entrepreneurs. A Desire to Take the Future into […]
Revelation 20:7-10, “When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth—Gog and Magog—to gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand on the seashore. They marched across the breadth of the earth […]
The Temu Affiliate Program has no requirements to join! We have received tons of great reviews about the commission and experience from our influencers. If you haven’t already joined the Temu Affiliate Program, join now! CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW AND START EARNING IMMEDIATELY! TEMU is a cutting-edge online marketplace […]
One of the most common questions I hear is how to start a side hustle when you don’t have any good ideas. I’ve put together a list of side hustle business ideas to get your creative juices flowing… You feel it in your bones, core and spirit everyday… You truly feel that you were meant […]